SHEITEL/WIG WASH & SET Requires 48 hour return. If needed prior to the 48 hours prices vary $45
SHEITEL/WIG HAIRCUT Wash and set included $120+
SHEITEL/WIG SINGLE PROCESS COLOR Single process color from roots to ends. Price varies depending on length and thickness of piece $100+
SHEITEL/WIG OMBRE/BALAYAGE Add some dimension with our hand painted technique. Wash and Set included $195+
SHEITEL/WIG PARTIAL HIGHLIGHT/LOW LIGHT Add some dimension with either a pop of highlights or lowlights. Wash and set included $130+
SHEITEL/WIG FULL HIGHLIGHT/LOWLIGHT Wash and set included. Price varies depending on length and thickness of piece $170+
SHEITEL/WIG ROOTING Add a shadow root to achieve the most natural look or add a bold root for some fun. Wash and set included $85+
SHEITEL/WIG GLOSS/TONER Add shine and refresh oxidized or dull color with a gloss. Wash and set not included $60+
SHEITEL/WIG OLAPLEX TREATMENT Wash and set not included $50+
SHEITEL/WIG CONDITIONING TREATMENT Replenish moisture to your piece with a deep conditioner. Can be added to any service Blow-Dry not included 25+
SHEITEL/ WIG SPECIAL OCCASSION/ UP-DO For any style involving a bobby pin. $75+